Has weight and eating issues been a constant stress, fear and worry?
Do you find yourself obsessing about what you eat, your weight, your appearance?
Or are you feeling overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness about your size or shape?
If this sounds familiar, I want you to know you are not alone and there is help. 1 out of 4 women will struggle with significant body dissatisfaction and stress and worry about their weight and appearance. For most women they feel like they have been fighting a losing battle with their bodies. As a result you may be engaging in restrictive eating or food avoidance. Or you may be emotionally overeating and gaining weight. Or you may find yourself binging and then throwing up food to avoid feared weight gain.
However, life doesn’t have to be this way. There are ways to find peace with food and with you body, I’ve been helping clients find hope, peace and freedom from these fears and worries for years. To gain a sense of acceptance of self and the realization that you can overcome and live a life free of disordered eating.
Just like other chronic illnesses, recovery and healing is possible. Effective treatments exist to help ease and eliminate the struggles you face.
So if you’ve said or thought these things a lot recently…
– “I’m too tired of fighting my body”
– “I am so ashamed of what I do in secret.”
– “I obsess about my weight and what I eat…it’s constant.”
– “Why can’t I stop doing this?”
– “I don’t even know who I am any more.”
Or even…
– “I wish I wasn’t here.”
…There are proven steps of recovery and healing for your eating and body issues. To bring you hope, help and a way forward.
If you’d like to take the first steps to real change, please contact me today for an appointment.